How to Install#

There are 3 main ways to install eodms-api-client

  1. If you’re using conda, download from conda-forge:

conda install -n <name-of-conda-env> eodms-api-client -c conda-forge
  1. No access to conda or not a fan? It’s also on PyPI:

pip install eodms-api-client
  1. If you like playing with potentially-unstable code, install the source from github:

pip install

Configuring .netrc#

In order to not be bugged to enter your username/password every time, you may wish to create an EODMS entry in .netrc file (_netrc on Windows) for your userprofile

For Linux/Mac users:

echo "machine login <username> password <password>" >> ~/.netrc
# set permissions to user-readwrite-only
chmod 600 ~/.netrc

For Windows users:

type nul >> _netrc
notepad _netrc
# in notepad, paste the following and replace the chevroned text
machine login <username> password <password>
# save and quit notepad